Monday, October 19, 2009

Parenting Tool Box

I did a workshop last weekend on equipping your Parent Toolbox. No matter how many times I do these workshops, I always learn something. We talked alot about education, support and systems a parent needs to be the best they can be but the most important subject we touched on was on self care. Parents usually make this an 'if-I-can-find-time' option. When we talked seriously about how important it is to be at our best when parenting ---- self-care moves up the priortiy ladder in a hurry. We had a lively discussion on making time to reenergize yourself. With a little thought and planning we can all figure out a way to get an hour to do something we love. One parent talked about how much she missed being able to dance as she used to. The creative energy it stirred up so energized her. While the mundane daily tasks of being a mom of 3 drained her, an hour of dancing refueled her. I could see the joy in her face as she talked about this activity. The group brainstormed ways to clear an hour and in the end she found at least 4-5 options for freeing some time that she was going to try. So what do you do to replenish the energy that parenting takes? Find time this week for something creative that you can look forward to! And let me know what it is!

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